Sunday, February 22, 2009

And the Oscar goes to ...

Another year of the Academy Awards has come and gone and I've got to say that this one has been my favorite since 'Titanic' swept the floor 10 years ago.

I absolutely LOVED Hugh Jackman's opening number and especially enjoyed his self-stamp to the new Wolverine movie coming out this summer. He could not have done a better job. The musical number break in the middle with Beyonce, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens was nice too.

I'm saddened that Meryl Streep did not get the Oscar for best actress. I cannot wait to see "Doubt" and am glad she at least got the SAG award.

I'm EXTREMELY happy that Sean Penn won best actor. I loved "Milk" and couldn't think of anyone who deserved it more ... except maybe Mickey Rourke. I started watching "The Wrestler" -- borrowed it from a guy at work -- and it's amazing so far. I can't wait to finish it. I swear, if Brad Pitt would have won I probably would have thrown something at the TV. He just needs to sit there and look pretty.

Speaking of Brad Pitt ... I can't believe how many Oscar's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" won. I can see some of the awards, but not as many as they received. "Slumdog Millionaire" was definitely the best choice for best picture and I'm glad they won as many Oscars as they did. They deserved it. I'm also glad they brought all the kids from the movie. They were truly the stars of it.

Now, the best part of the evening ... the dresses. My favorites were definitely Reese Witherspoon and Alicia Keys. I thought Miley Cyrus' was hideous and Penelope Cruz's and Sarah Jessica Parker's were WAY too poofy. Meryl Streep's daughter's was cute too ... very basic.

That's all I've got on my Oscar review since I really need some sleep so I shall leave you with this ...

Did anyone else notice that Jennifer Aniston looked quite awkward when she was introducing the animated film? And I swear I saw her 'smile' in the direction of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

I shall also leave you with my favorite quote from the evening ... (paraphrased of course b/c it was the 1st thing said and that was several hours ago)

"This year's movies were all about diversity. Kate Winselt is British, playing a German in "The Reader." Robert Downey Jr is an American, playing an Australian actor, playing a black man in "Tropic Thunder." Me on the other hand, am an Australian, who played an Australian, in a movie called "Australia" " -- Hugh Jackman.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year New You

Yes New Years resolutions are overrated and yes they are usually lies people tell themselves to try and make themselves feel (and mostly look) better.

Therefore, I am merely making goals. Most people who deal with me on a semi-regular basis know what my strengths and weaknesses are and what about me needs to be rectified. There is truly no time like the present to change what you want to change. These are things I hope to change about myself this coming year.

  • Starting today (and I already did) a coworker and I plan on going to the (free) gym Abt has for at least an hour after work 5 days a week. My goal is to be able to feel comfortable in my clothes and (hopefully) be able to run a mile without stopping by this summer.
  • We (my coworker and I) are also going to bring our lunches every day. We are alternating days on bringing something for the both of us. Today it was tuna salad and tomorrow it is chicken cesar salad.
  • I want to be debt free by October.
  • I want to spent my money I allow for 'entertainment' very wisely and will try to think twice before spending money on something I want.
  • I want to be more forgiving when it comes to the stupid people I work with. I will try not to be as sarcastic when asked a stupid question.
  • I want to be a generally nicer person to those around me.
  • I want somebody to have to try really hard to hate me.
  • I want to be more open-minded when it comes to things out of my comfort zone.
  • If a friend wants to hang out, I will say yes unless there are prior obligations.
and most importantly
  • I want to be a better girlfriend.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

writers block

This evening I got an itch to be writing. My mind won't stand still long enough to form a premise but it wants to write. I spend all my free time reading what others have transcribe from their thoughts and I want to do the same.

I don't necessarily want to be published (although that would be pretty cool!) but I want to be actively writing, putting my degree to use ... even if it is just for me and my eyes (which it will be)..

I don't know what it's going to be about but I know that it won't be realistic. I live in a fantasy world where vampires are beautiful and wizards speak with English accents. What fun is it to write about something that could actually happen?

Friday, November 21, 2008

And so the lion fell in love wit the lamb ...

... What a stupid lamb.

Dana and I went to the midnight showing of Twilight last night and I must say that it exceeded all of my expectations. It was true to the book in virtually every way and I can't wait to see it again. There was also a trailer for the 6th Harry Potter movie and it looks like it is actually going to be pretty decent so July needs to come soon.

Anyway, the new job is going very well I think. I'm learning a lot and am pretty much flying solo. Today especially since Ray (the main manager) is off so I'll probably be routing by myself today. I also get to go in a noon which is nice. I got a good 8 hours of sleep last night so hopefully it will knock this cold out of me fast. I feel like crap and my immune system has gone to shit these past few months.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I have a guilty conscience

So something semi-major has happened to me. It's a long story but to summarize the MAIN manager of the service department at Abt (he's incharge of service, parts, dispatch, routing AND the technicians) asked me if he could steal me from parts and put me in routing. He told my boss about it before asking me and she, of course, told me to prepare me ... and, what I later put together, to brainwash me into staying with her.

That put me in a pickle. Should I stay with her because I know everything, am really good at it, the technicians LOVE me AND she just got me a $1.50 raise that Tony (the main manager) wasn't aware of? Yes, that is reason to stay. However, it is not reason enough to pass up another $1 an hour PLUS a promotion (I would essentially be a manager).

Needless to say I took the job and she is NOT happy AT all. Oh well, I need to get over that.

So, long story short, I start that gig tomorrow and I'll let you know how it all pans out.

Bonus perk ... I no longer have to wake up at 4:30 am to be at work by 5:30. Happy day.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

birds of a feather ...

This week as been a disaster. Monday I worked from 5:30-2:45. Tuesday, from 5:30-10:30. Wednesday, my scheduled day off. Thursday from 5:30-2:15. Friday, from 5:30-8:30 and today, Saturday, I called in ... for the first time ever. 

I am 16 hours short for the week. I have 2 options to make up the hours: Either A) use 16 of my remaining 64 vacation hours or B) work 16 hours of overtime next week to make up for it. 

Option B should not be a problem. I'm starting to feel better. I am not really nauseous any more and my fever is definitely down so I will be going to work on Monday regardless. 

I find it funny that I was the 1st in my family to get the flu, and the last to recover. I got sick on Monday. My dad got sick on Tuesday (supposed food poisoning from White Castle). My brother got sick on Thursday (supposed food poisoning from Taco Bell) I got sicker on Friday as did my mom. My dad spent yesterday taking care of my mom & I and today everyone but me is going about their daily routines. 

Me, however, am almost finished with season 3 of Grey's Anatomy, which I started watching yesterday. I finally ate 5 saltines, which is the first thing I've eaten since dinner Thursday night (it's 4:45pm Saturday right now). I've lost 7 pounds in 2 days. There is half a bowl of Halloween candy sitting on the counter by the front door and I really want to eat it.

Okay, my head is starting to hurt from sitting up for too long.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fe fe fi fi fo fo fum

So I just finished getting my Halloween costume together (what I could find of it anyway) and turns out I look more like the spawn of Hellboy rather than what I was actually going for (Devil with a blue dress). Who knew finding devil horns would be damn near impossible! If I did find some they were WAY too sparkly *insert Jeff Dunham impression here* and/or WAY too small. So I had to settle on demon horns which I have to manage to glue onto my red headband.

And I couldn't find a tail long enough to my liking :(

But I do have a staff thing that I'm going to put red ribbon on :)

AND I get to wear my hooker boots to work :)

It should be a good day tomorrow.

OOO...and it's payday and it's the check where I get my raise!! :)

Happy haunting!