Thursday, July 17, 2008

Would you like to buy some cookies?

For the 4th consecutive day this week I've taken a nap after work. Totally not my style at all. However, it does make me feel so refreshed and away the following day at work so I guess not going to bed until 10:30-11 is worth it.

Tonight Marianne & I went to DQ for some thin mint blizzards. Holy crap, they are amazing. I miss girl scout cookies.

The healthy eating thing isn't going all that well, as you can tell by the ice cream. Granted I did make enough chicken cesaer salad to last me a few meals and I made chicken breast and vegetables tonight, but I did surcome to my obnoxious stomach on the way home from work and got a McChicken and small fries from McDonald's. I really need to start exercising. That's the main thing. I'm just not motivated at all. I think I'm going to have to start going to the gym at Abt after work. I just need to do it continuously instead of once every couple of days.

Alright, time for bed. Dark Knight tomorrow after work with John. SO excited!

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