Friday, July 11, 2008

Just for the sake of putting words somewhere

Nothing even remotely exciting and/or interesting is going on in my life right now yet somehow I feel like I need to write something somewhere.

I think that's what is missing. I miss writing. When I was down at Western, I was involved in writing, virtually on a daily basis. Whether it be a column, news article, editing my writers pieces or even just laying out a page for the Courier. I was involved and that's all that mattered.

I don't do that now. My writing consists of petty, meaningless blogs complaining about my life and the financial struggles I'm having. I know I need to take a few steps back every hundred miles and look at it from the eyes of someone not involved. From an outsiders point of view I have a very comfortable and meaningful life. I have an apartment in which I am able to afford rent and utilities on. I have a job where I'm great at what I'm doing and I have co-workers who have told me on numerous occasions that they don't know what they'd do without me. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me and would do (almost) anything for me and I have a cat who relies on me for survival.

I know I won't have this 'comfortable' life forever. I know I'll eventually have to leave Abt and pursue my dreams. But to do what? I don't know what my dreams are. Do I want to teach English? Do I want to work for a newspaper? What about a magazine? Who knows? I sure don't.

What I do know is that I want to write. Whether it be true life stories in teen magazines or little notes of encouragement on students papers, I want to put my degree to use.

What I don't understand, however, is why people keep asking me why I haven't started using my (really only 2 years of) college experience. What happened to that statistic where 60% of college graduates don't use their degree until they've already had 2 or 3 jobs under their belt? I'm only 22 ... 23 next month. I'm still young! I still have plenty of time to decide what I want to do.

I suppose I can start looking into freelance work; something I can do in addition to my current full time job. It's something to think about when I move back home. I know I'll have to get a second job to help relieve myself of some debt before starting the next journey in life.

The thing that I keep telling myself is that I don't know where I'm going to be in a year. Hell, I don't know where I'm going to be in 6 months. Things can change without warning. I can't plan ahead. I need to live day to day and just learn to survive that way. The rest will just fall into place.

I know it's a lot of rambling without much structure. But this is what goes on in my brain on a daily basis when I have time to myself to actually do some pondering about my life.

Does it make sense to anyone but me?

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