Friday, July 18, 2008

Flaws are what makes us unique

Nothing is perfect. Everyone and everything has some kind of flaw. And while the Dark Knight is pretty damn close to perfect, there were a few imperfections that I didn't like.

Now, these are all merely personal preferences, not general accusations.

1) Christian Bale's 'Batman' voice was really started to bother me as the movie progressed. It gradually became deeper and less realistic.
2) They killed dogs. I don't like that in any movie. It makes me sad.
3) The initial TwoFace I did not like. The final TwoFace, complete with suit, was everything I wanted and more since Tommy Lee Jones originally portrayed the role. I understand the idea of it being more realistic but the popping red was missing.
4) The length. I'm not used to sitting through 2 1/2 hours not being able to get up or change positions. However, every minute was worth it.

That's really it. I loved every minute of it and was never bored, waiting for the next action sequence.

I give it an A+

Everybody has their superhero crush. Many girls will say Batman. Others will say Superman. Some will say Spiderman.

I, however, say Hellboy. Why? I don't know.

Hellboy II tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I have to give my counter-arguements to prove that this is a perfect movie.

- Christian Bale's Batman voice - At least he tried to make a difference between Batman and Bruce Wayne. No other actor who portrayed Batman did that.
-They never said for sure that the dogs were dead. Just hurt maybe. Not a reason to bring down a movie. He would rather hurt the dogs than be mauled himself.
-The Tommy Lee Jones Two-Face sucked. He didn't have any motive and they didn't show why he left things to chance. They needed to ease him into the villain role since he was a good guy for most of the film. The look was perfect because it's what someone who was burned on one side would really look like.
-2 and half hours is nothing. I wanted more after that time period. After sitting through all 3 Lord of the Rings movies in one night, 2 1/2 hours is pocket change to sit through a movie. If the time is used by "The Dark Knight", there is no reason to complain about the time.

This is a perfect film. As someone who has been a fan of Batman since he was a little kid, there is nothing that I can complain about this movie. I also find it funny how you never mentioned anything about Heath Ledger's AMAZING portrayal of the Joker. It is dark, psychotic and ground-breaking. The film would be good without it, but his performance takes this movie from great to FANTASTIC.

There is no reason to complain about anything in it and it IS the most perfect movie I've ever seen.

K.C. said...

That's because Ledger's portrayal was perfect. I was pointing out what I didn't like. Duh.