Monday, October 27, 2008

I need my mommy :(

This weekend was one of the best of my life. I hung out with great friends, felt like I was on Dancing with the Stars & met some new people.

Today seems like one of the worst. I went to bed feeling fine. I woke up with my throat laced with sandpaper. I shook it to the side and went to work. Progressively feeling worse through the morning I kept with it and got everything done in a timely manner. The girl I work with in the morning (who is pushing 40) called in at 8:30 (she is supposed to come in at 7:30) saying her back was bothering her. Whatever, I hope you get fired. At this point I'm feeling a little bit better and now I have to train one of our new employees.

Luckily time flies and before I know it it's 2:45 (I'm supposed to leave at 2) and I leave. I get home and my ass sits on the couch and stays there. I have on layers upon layers as well as 2 blankets and a comforter. I have the chills like no other, a terrible headache and my body aches from head to toe.

"You should have gotten a flu shot."

Well, the last time I did that I got the flu (well over 5 years ago) so that's not an option. The last time I felt this bad I had pneumonia my sophomore year of college. I just took my temperature and it was 102. I'm no doctor but that's pretty damn high. And my mom, the RN, is not home to recommend something for me.

Currently I have taken a hot shower and am curled up on the couch, hoodie over my head determined to sweat this thing out. The chills are tamed for now and I managed to eat a granola bar and have a half drank cup of green tea next to me.

I WILL go to work tomorrow. A) I can't afford to use any of my sick days B) I can't afford to lose any money and C) I obviously can't rely on anybody else to show up on time to cover for me.

Oh yeah, and my cell phone died and my charger is at work so I couldn't get a hold of my boss to call in in a reasonable manner anyway.

I just hope I feel better :(

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