Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

I'm not one to be serious, especially in my writing, but today is a rare exception.

I read an article in the newspaper last week that really struck my attention. Many people donate blood, plasma, and even sperm (for guys, of course) for financial compensation. However, this article was about the rise in young women (ages 21-35) donating their eggs to those who are less fortunate to have children on their own. Not only is that a heroic deed and an unbelievable gift to give some family, the compensation starts at $7,000. That's a lot of dough; enough, in fact, to relieve me of 90% of my self-inflicted debt.

For the past week I have been highly considering putting through an application. I've spent hours researching the process and read reviews from other women who have donated (some donating multiple times) and have read nothing negative on the subject. While reading through the 'fine print' on the application, they state that 'for medical reasons,' only those under 160 lbs will be considered.

This not only upset me but pissed me off to the extreme. Seriously, what makes a (barely and shouldn't be by most standards) overweight person like me not be capable of donating eggs? It's it because our society has put such a strong image in our heads of a 5'9", 110 lbs blonde woman as the ideal body type that some one like me who is 5'4", 175 not worthy of giving an unfortunate couple the gift of life? What kind of crap is that?

It pisses me off so much that I can't even elaborate on it anymore.

I am still going to put through an application, but not until I reach their 'ideal' standards of the 'perfect' candidate.

Such bullshit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I looked up the sperm donor information and it was the same way for guys. You have to be at least 5' 11" (not a problem for me) and have to be near the ideal weight for your height, which for me is around 230 lbs(I am not 230 lbs). They only want donors that people will choose and potential parents want tall, skinny kids when they're probably average height and technically overweight. If I lost enough weight to get down to 230 lbs, I would be anorexic looking. It is absolutely ridiculous.