Monday, August 4, 2008

It really was no miracle; what happened was just this ...

"The wind began to switch; the house to pitch. And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch ...
Just then, a witch; to satisfy and itch, went flying on her broomstick, thumbing for a hitch"

There's really too much to say right now that I must resort to bullet point form ....
  • The wedding this weekend was definitely not what was expected. I expected a fun time drinking with a lot of my friends. Instead, it was a rather intimate gathering where we got lectured about our alcohol consumption because of the stupid 'future homemakers of Illinois' club or whatever bullshit they were apart of, and, needless to say, were forced to leave before the dancing started. I, however, will not go into why.
  • Spent Sunday at Greg's parent's house. Went out to eat with his entire family + grandmother ... probably one of the last times everyone will be together for a while since his oldest sister & brother-in-law are moving to North Carolina September 1st.
  • Finally watched "Back to the Future." Not going to lie, pretty awesome movie. Yes Greg, you were right.
  • I am getting an apartment with Dana. I'm not sure if I mentioned this already but once she moves back to the area August 18th we're going to start looking at a few places. The commute will be less than 20 minutes and may even be as close as 1 mile. I will be getting exercise in daily if we get that one because I will either ride my bike or walk every day pending the weather.
And now the exciting portion

  • Joey (a guy I work with) came back from vacation yesterday. My boss was not informed of this and I was supposed to work the 12-9 shift again this week M-F, going back to my 5:30-2 hours on Saturday. He came back and now I'm going back to my morning shift tomorrow. So, I left work early (6pm) so I wouldn't be over worked for tomorrow. I get home and discover we're under a tornado warning. After 30 minutes of hard core lightning right outside our window, the power goes out and Marianne and I are left in the dark with no flashlights. After spending an hour in the dark and sick of watching the pilot episode of "Dawson's Creek" on Marianne's computer, the power came back on.
I'm just glad I wasn't by myself. I would have freaked out and more than likely jumped in the car, not thinking about the weather, and drove to Greg's house. I don't like being alone during storms.

Well, that's all I've got. Time for bed. Night!

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